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this has a lot of potential such a shame that i requires an external tool to tell the frames (couldn't you use a Lua  to determine the current frame?)

(3 edits)

not working on Aseprite v1.3-rc4-dev

edit: stating with which version of Aseprite your app works (or has been tested with) would be ideal. I plan to update to v1.3.7, but not even sure if it works with it or not.

edit: I can't get it to work on 1.3.7 either. maybe it's only made for intel CPUs or something? I'm on Windows 10, with an AMD Ryzen 9

(1 edit) (+1)

hi im going to try the plugin but for what i have seen nobody realy has talked about it maybe you could make a discord for people to conect and share there work? and maybe if its posible make the software more user friendly as to not have to us the Cheat Engine and maybe just build it litterly in it i also made this little thing as revrence so yea :)


This is cool, I havent gotten it to work yet. An issue is that, on occasion, an it can ask me for frame 0. Frame 0 does not exist in Aseprite as it starts from frame 1 onwards.


I'm having the same thing, when going through Auto Setup, it asks for Frame 0, which doesn't exist...

Hi there! Thanks for bringing this to my attention! Turns out I’ve had the “Default First Frame” option set to 0 for so long I just didn’t know it was 1 by default.

I’ll push out an update that prevents it from saying frame 0, thanks again :)


Thanks! I didn't even know there was an option to change that, lol


thx you. this is the only one